We’re in your corner! When you check online listings or look at travel brochures, every hotel looks good. But some are good and some are really poor – regardless of how good their pictures look. Picking a good hotel, finding a great surfing beach, scoring a last minute deal or getting tickets to a sold out show in your destination requires special knowledge and finesse. These travel tips will help you travel better.

YVR Express, NEXUS and Other Tips to Get Through Vancouver Airport Security Faster
Standing in a lineup isn’t fun and this is particularly true of an airport lineup. Navigating airport security is a time consuming process, but there are ways to by pass the lineup completely or at the very least get through it quickly. One of the easiest ways to avoid security lineups in Vancouver (YVR) Airport is with a free reservation service called YVR Express. It’s one of several ways to reduce the time you spend in lineups at the airport. There are affiliate links in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase through one of these links, Wander Woman Travel Magazine may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. What is YVR Express? YVR Express is …